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Wigs in the Evolution Collection are designed to be trimmed to your exact hairline specifications for a personalized and seamless look and fit. You can do it yourself or take it to a salon professional. Either way, the Evolution Customizing Kit and the how-to video seen here are recommended. The comfort details and advanced materials of the Evolution cap are distinctive. The 100% hand-tied, stretch cap offers supreme comfort and ventilation plus natural hair movement. The perimeter of the cap is made of polyurethane and silicone, which maintain the cap's secure fit -- with or without adhesive. Strategically placed silicone sections within the cap also ensure a non-slip grip. Once customized, the Swiss lace front creates an extremely natural-looking hairline. The double layer Swiss lace section on top creates the appearance of natural hair growth along with a soft, comfortable wear. And the luxuriously soft human hair is 100% Remy!
Evolution Customizing Kit
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